Do I need Flood Insurance in Arizona?

Arizona Flood Insurance

We live in the desert Southwest and it doesn’t rain often.  When it does rain, it can really come down.

When recommend flood insurance to our clients in Arizona.  We often hear “why would […]

How to save on Home Insurance in Arizona

Home Insurance is necessary, but it doesn’t have to be expensive

Below are some tips on how to save on homeowners insurance:

  1. Shop around for the best rates. Don’t settle for the first h […]

How to save on Car Insurance

Tips for Saving Money on Car Insurance

With a little effort and some smart choices, you can save money on your Arizona Car Insurance without sacrificing coverage. Here are some tips for how to save on Arizona Car In […]

Un-Insured & Under-Insured Motorist Coverage

Un-insured & Under-insured Motorist Insurance is Important Car Insurance Coverage for your Protection

Why Uninsured & Underinsured Motorist Coverage is Important:

  • A family is burdened […]